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New Age Dating

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There are so many options when it comes to finding a date that the purpose of finding a connection gets defeated. You just end up wasting your time between options; between choosing. And when you start feeling somewhere that you are an option to someone, Cynicism comes into play. We have interpreted likes and dislikes in a very simple manner, a binary of either I like you or I dislike you, there is always more to this don't you think? These apps are our creation, to satisfy our need to have total control of what we are doing and who we are choosing because in real lives we don't have that control over most things. This affects relationships, the desire of human life to have something unique, the virtual space helps us reconstruct our image into something/someone more likeable and the need of being appreciated at times is so high that we end up creating a false image about our self. So neither is anyone able to be unique nor able to anchor oneself, it's like, you just want one goddamn person for life but just because people have hyped this 'plenty of fish in the ocean' thing you always end up feeling that 'what if there is still someone better than this to come my way?' You are never 'THERE' in that emotion, that person. We are always weighing our choices. Moreover, the need of wanting to be different makes us even less than ordinary. Are we all looking for connection in the wrong place? Has commercialization or commodification of everything found its way in our relationships too?

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